The Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) defines Industrial Engineering as that field of knowledge and professional performance that refers to the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy for the production of goods and services. Industrial Engineering is based on expertise and skills in the mathematical, physical and social sciences, in addition to principles and methods of analysis and design in engineering, all of which allow you to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from the systems designed by it.
Industrial Engineering has his background in the former Administration and Programming Section, Academic Unit attached to the Department of Chemical Engineering. At the end of the 80s it changed his name to Industrial Management and was entrusted with the training of students of engineering careers in the areas of Economic Engineering, Project Management. Fundamentals of Economy, Business Administration and deepening lines. It develops a deepening line in Engineering and Plant Management and a second line in Business Management and Economy.
In February 1999 (Act. 003, Decision 032 A) The faculty council created and organized the Industrial Engineering Unit and assigned it to the Vice-dean of Academic Affairs.
- Education level: Undergraduate
- Name of the degree: Industrial Engineering
- Title granted: Industrial Engineer
- Year of creation: 2000
- SNIES code: 16940
- SIA code: 2546
- Total credits: 168
- Estimated duration: 10 semesters
- Methodology: On-campus
- Type of study: Full-time
- Curricular Area: Computer Systems and Industrial Engineering
- Faculty: Engineering
- Campus: Bogotá
Would you like to study Industrial Engineering? Look here the reason why
Candidate Profile
- Numerical aptitude and calculation.
- Discipline in study, continuity and method in intellectual work.
- Ability to coordinate human talents and physical resources.
- Ability to establish appropriate interpersonal relationships.
- Interest in studying the problems of technology, related to industrial processes, their economic evaluation and the social aspects of industrial production.
- Interest in computer programming and the use of software.
Graduate Profile
- Knowledge of the scientific and technological principles that demand training as an engineer, with which the industrial engineer will be able to cope with technological changes and their application in the professional field.
- Emphasis on the study of industrial production systems, based on knowledge of modern industrial automation technologies.
- Multidisciplinary preparation to integrate knowledge in the field of computing, operational research and economic engineering criteria in the evaluation of alternatives for decision-making on the improvement of existing systems or in the implementation of new investment projects.
- Technology management orientation in processes related to transfer, innovation, improvement and negotiation.
- Social and humanistic training, leading to the analysis and understanding of the social, economic, natural and political context and developing the ability to communicate clearly and convincingly and the attitude for teamwork.
Occupational Profile
- Define and coordinate the manufacturing process of a product, specifying the required resources and technology.
- Planning, programming and controlling production.
- Design and operate information systems for the management of industrial processes.
- Modernise production technologies, using tools such as automation, flexible production and robotics.
- Design systems for the logistics and distribution of both production processes and the supply, marketing or return of products at the end of the life cycle.
- Design and improve working methods.
- Carry out studies of plant location and distribution.
- Design and implement integrated quality systems in industrial companies.
- Design and manage maintenance systems.
- Carry out technical and economic feasibility studies of projects.
- Participate with other engineers in the execution of industrial projects.
- To generate new industries and to promote the improvement of existing ones and as a consequence, to promote the social and economic development of the country and the region.
- Explore new principles and technologies to adapt and develop them according to the country’s own conditions and needs.
- To manage in the organizations a production guided by criteria of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
- To put their knowledge at the service of the community represented primarily in small and medium-sized industries lacking sufficient resources for their development, recognizing their important role as job-generators, and as trainers of technicians and professionals.
- Design, plan, organize, implement and control any productive system, to increase its productivity and efficiency, with the optimal use of resources and the development of the organization’s human resources.
- To train professionals and researchers on a scientific, ethical and humanistic basis, providing them with a critical awareness that allows them to act responsibly to the requirements and trends of the contemporary world and to lead creative processes of change.
- To prepare professionals capable of working in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teams integrated in a vast network of local and international communication.
- To train people capable of formulating proposals and leading academic processes that contribute to the construction of a democratic and inclusive nation in which knowledge is a fundamental pillar of coexistence and social equity.
Basic component: This component introduces and contextualizes the field of knowledge that the student chose from a citizenship, humanistic, environmental and cultural perspective. It identifies the general relationships that characterize the knowledge of the different disciplines and professions in the area, the national and international context of their development, the institutional context and the prerequisites for their integral formation.
The academic program contains forty-two (42) credits required from this component, of which the student must pass twenty-two (22) credits corresponding to compulsory subjects and twenty (20) credits corresponding to optional subjects. This corresponds to 25 percent of the curriculum.
Disciplinary Component: This component provides the student with the basic grammar of his profession or discipline, theories, methods and fundamental practices, whose training exercise, research and outreach will allow you to integrate with a particular professional or disciplinary community. The Degree Work in any modality is part of this component.
Within the programme there are ninety-two (92) credits required, of which the student must pass fifty-two (52) credits corresponding to compulsory subjects and forty (40) credits corresponding to optional subjects. This component accounts for 54.8 percent of the curriculum.
Please refer to the subject's content of the Disciplinar Component below.
Free elective Subjects Component: This component allows the student to approach, contextualize and deepen topics of his or her profession or discipline and appropriate tools and knowledge of different types of knowledge aimed at diversification, flexibility and interdisciplinarity. The objective of this component is to bring students closer to the tasks of research, extension, entrepreneurship and awareness of the social implications of knowledge generation.
Educational Project of the Program
- Biogestión Research Group
- Complexus Research Group
- GREEK Research Group (Research Group on Organization Management)
- Ingeniería Institucional Research Group
- Competitiveness, Productivity and Quality SEPRO Research Group
- Alfonso Herrera Jiménez - Web , CvLAC
- Carlos Eduardo Moreno Mantilla - Web , CvLAC
- Carlos Julio Lozano Piedrahita - CvLAC
- Christian Johannes Bruszles - CvLAC
- Diego Fernando Hernández Losada - Web , CvLAC
- Fernando Guzmán Castro - Web , CvLAC
- Giovanni Muñoz Puerta - Web , CvLAC
- Gustavo Alfredo Bula - Web , CvLAC
- Héctor Cifuentes Aya - Web , CvLAC
- Hugo Alberto Herrera Fonseca - Web , CvLAC
- Luis Gerardo Astaiza Amado - Web , CvLAC
- Jair Eduardo Rocha González - CvLAC
- Juan David Suarez Moreno - CvLAC
- Juan Carlos Aldana Bernal - CvLAC
- Juan Pablo Castrellón Torres - CvLAC
- Julio Cesar Cañón Rodríguez - Web , CvLAC
- Michael Silva Cruz - CvLAC
- Oscar Fernando Castellanos Domínguez - Web , CvLAC
- Oscar Javier Suarez García - CvLAC
- Osman Benjamín Giovanny Vargas Rozo - CvLAC
- Sonia Esperanza Monroy Varela - Web , CvLAC
- Wilson Adarme Jaimes - Web , CvLAC
Physical Resources
Support to Teaching Process
- Integrated Industrial Engineering Laboratory (Lab3i): The Program has a laboratory for practice, simulations and project development for various courses. The Laboratory is mainly used in the subjects of Introduction to Industrial Engineering, Method Engineering, Ergonomics, Production Processes, Industrial Safety and Simulation. It has various resources for study activities of methods and times (chronometers, height rods, tables adaptable for analysis of operations and workstations), industrial safety activities (sound meters, flow meters)fischertechnik element kits for building and simulating industrial processes, integrated with robo-pro software for programming robotic components and the design module for the logical design of the devices and elements to be implemented. Students perform projects that simulate factories with sequential and parallel production lines, workstations, process restrictions (bottlenecks, controls, storage,), use devices with electromechanical elements such as production belts, shafts, rods, pneumatic pumps, controllers, actuators, and other elements. The CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement - Operate) methodology is applied in this type of project that induces students to creativity and problem-based learning.
Student Charter


Degree Structure

Coordinator: Hugo Alberto Herrera F.
Address: Av. NQS (Carrera 30), 45-03, Building Aulas de Ingeniería (453), Office 304
Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000
Secretary: Gloria Esperanza Suárez
Address: Av. NQS (Carrera 30), 45-03, Building CADE de Ingeniería, First floor
Telephone: (+57) (1) 316 5000 ext 13673
Jenny Marcela Sánchez Torres
Full Professor
Av. NQS (Carrera 30), 45-03, Ciudad Universitaria
Building 453(Aulas de Ingeniería), Second floor, Office 209
Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext: 14068