Faculty Council
- The Dean, who chairs it.
- The Vice-Dean, who shall preside in the absence of the Dean.
- A career lecturer, with at least associate status, elected by the career teaching staff of the Faculty.
- One undergraduate student elected by the undergraduate students of the Faculty.
- One postgraduate student elected by the postgraduate students of the Faculty.
- A graduate of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, who is not a professor at the University, nominated by the legally constituted alumni associations, academies or professional associations related to the Faculty. He/she shall be elected by the Site Council from a list of three candidates presented by the Faculty Council, in accordance with regulations issued by the University Board of Governors.
- A career lecturer belonging to another Faculty, with at least the rank of associate lecturer, delegated by the University Superior Council, chosen from a list of three candidates sent by the Rector.
- The Directors of Basic Academic Units. A maximum of three, elected among them, in Faculties where there are more than three Basic Academic Units.
- The Directors of Curricular Programmes. A maximum of three, elected from among them, in faculties where there are more than three curricular programmes.
- The Faculty Welfare Director.
- The Secretary of the Faculty shall act as secretary.
- The members of the Faculty Council shall be appointed for two-year terms and shall remain in office for as long as they hold the corresponding qualifications.