Pressures on the biophysical environment have been exacerbated as a result of productive specialization, the production and consumption model, high levels of poverty and an increase in the population in mega-cities. The consequences are manifold: increasing degradation of water, air, soil and ecosystems, with their negative impacts on productivity, human health and the quality of life of the population (ECLAC. 2014). The self-organizing potential of nature and the primary productivity of ecosystems have been undervalued and unknown. The discourse and policies of sustainability have opened up a heterogeneous field of alternative perspectives, marked by the conflict of interests around the appropriation of nature (Leff, 1998).
Moreover, climate change is one of the great challenges of the twenty-first century, given its global and asymmetric characteristics, causes and consequences. Indeed, this phenomenon is the result of a negative global externality, where the source of emissions is not relevant and where economic activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere without necessarily having to face the economic and environmental costs of climate change (Stern, 2007).
It is therefore a matter of priority to change the trend of environmental deterioration, the inadequate processes of occupation and use of the territory, as well as developing mechanisms for adaptation to climate variability and strategies for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services that support the well-being of society.
Faced with this panorama, environmental studies constitute a space of consensus that accommodates both those positions focused on science per se; and those who prefer to think about the environment as that which cares about ethos, that is, of the house and of our ways of living it; or as those who refer to this category as a space of inter and transdisciplinary encounter; and even those who advocate for practical approaches in the resolution of priority problems (engineering or environmental management). The Doctoral program in Environmental Studies integrates different epistemological and methodological approaches, where of course scientific research plays a central role, accepting the complexity of the environment and opening the disciplinary range towards interrelations, which is the hallmark of holistic and integral approaches to environmental thinking.
- Educational level: PhD.
- Type of Curriculum: Research
- Academic Program: PhD. in Environmental Studies
- Title granted: PhD. in Environmental Studies
- SNIES code: 108145
- Creation year: 2018
- Opening year: 2018
- Campus: Bogota DC.
- Faculty: Engineering
- Estimated duration: 8 semesters
- Total credits: 135
- Six-monthly fees (detailed down by points):
Academic fee
Administrative fee
Welfare fee
Insurance fee
24,890 COP
Current approximate cost of the semester: $7,293,050 COP

Candidate Profile
Graduate Profile
- To educate autonomous researchers at doctoral level who, recognizing the complexity of environmental issues and the consequent need for interdisciplinary approaches, are able to analyze environmental problems and formulate sustainable solutions.
- To prepare on a solid scientific-technical and humanistic basis graduates from various disciplines, professions and postgraduates, to be able to lead and coordinate research processes on environmental issues.
- To educate researchers in environmental thinking that includes cultural and ecosystem perspectives of the application of science and technology.
- To develop skills to formulate, execute and evaluate environmental research, in order to build and consolidate environmental academic communities in different fields of knowledge.
- o generate new forms of knowledge and critically assimilate the different trends in the interpretation of environmental and development relations.
- To participate in academic and scientific debates that lead to the socialization of knowledge about the environmental problems of Colombia and Latin America, in a global environment.
- To incorporate in the research the participatory, collective and knowledge dialogue processes for the analysis of proposals for solutions to the main ecosystem and cultural problems associated with different sectors of society.
- To identify, evaluate and propose public policy solutions relevant to the environmental reality of Colombia and Latin America.
Academic Activities and Courses
Thesis Project
Research Seminars I and II
Qualifying Exam
Total Academic Activities
Eligible Subjects
Total Research Credits
Research Lines:
- Dimensions of Biodiversity in Colombia.
- Sustainable use of Natural Resources.
- Territory and Environment.
- Economy and Environment.
- Thought, History, Ethics and Environmental Policy.
PhD. in Environmental Studies
Call for proposals 2021-2S
- If you have completed your undergraduate studies at the National University of Colombia, still have credits and are interested in obtaining the benefit to pursue postgraduate studies at the university, access this link for more information.
If you are a foreign student, click on the link for more information Aspirantes Extranjeros. We clarified that the certificates of admission / acceptance letters (if required) are issued only to applicants selected by the National University in the admissions process established.
- Pay the registration fee: from Tuesday, March 1st to Friday, April 8th until 17:00 hours. The admission fee for the year 2022 is COP$333.000, which you can pay at any branch of Banco Popular or pay online at: Applicants who are outside Colombia must make the electronic payment for a value of US$181. Once the transaction is completed you will find the link "Continue Registration", if this is your wish follow the link and you will be able to formalize your registration. Please note that at the time of registration you will be asked for the "Transaction number" and the "Confirmation number", remember that you must have written them down or have the copy of the receipt that is sent to the email registered at the time of payment. Once you have these numbers, enter them in the step where they are requested and continue with the process of formalizing your registration.
- Formalize the registration via Internet from Tuesday, March 1st to Friday, April 8th until 17:00 hours. This must be done via the website!input.action, in which you must log in to the corresponding process and then select postgraduate registration. A maximum of three days after payment you must complete the registration, so that you will be sent the link to fill out the application of resume support (Send payment support to the following e-mails: and
- Complete the application for resume and supporting documents from Monday, April 18th to Monday, May 2nd, 2022. The access information to the web platform will be sent to the e-mail address you used to register in the admissions system. See recommendations below.
- Application of initial tests - Monday, May 2nd, 2022 until 17:00 hours
- Publication of dates and places for final tests Friday, May 6th, 2022
- Application of final tests May 16th until Friday, May 27th, 2022. The access information to the Google Meet platform will be sent to the e-mail address you used to register in the admissions system. See instructions for oral presentation below
- Uploading of final grades - from Monday, May 30th until Friday, June 3rd, 2022.
- Publication of final tests results - Monday, June 6th, 2022.
The documents marked with (*) are optional. However, these documents are worth points towards the qualification of the curriculum vitae, so it is recommended that you attach them if you have them.
- Identification document.
- Professional card
- Support for university studies:
- Degree Certificate
- Diploma.
- Transcript of grades.
- Document legalized by apostille or diplomatic delegation (in the case of certificates obtained abroad)
- Certificate of completion of studies issued by the institution where he/she studied (for students who do not yet have an undergraduate degree)
- Academic History Report (for undergraduate students of the National University of Colombia with choice of graduate degree)
- Academic Honors*:
- Name of the distinction, institution that grants, date on which it was granted (please attach the supporting documentation).
- Professional Experience*:
- Name of the institution or company, type of relationship, start and end date (or in progress), position, main function and attach support of it.
- Experience as a Professor*:
- Name of the institution, dedication of the company, start and end date (or in progress), areas of work, information of subjects taught and intention of hours per week and attach support.
- Research Experience*:
- Name of the research project, institution, project area, funding entity, main functions, start date of linkage and completion (or ongoing), country and attach support.
- Intellectual Production*:
- Type of production (article in indexed journal, book, book chapter, patent, software, pilot plant, industrial design, other production), production data and attach support.
- Certifications of Language Proficiency*:
- It is a compulsory requirement to demonstrate a level of English B1 or higher. (Please refer to the section below "Language Proficiency").
- Academic or professional references*:
- The website will ask you for the basic contact details of two people who will register 2 academic or professional references according to the profile to which you aspire (academic references apply to the research profile, whereas academic or professional references apply to the deepening profile). The information provided by the persons you indicate is confidential and will be known only to the program directives during the admission evaluation process.
- Attached pre-proposal document including background, justification, objectives, problem definition, methodology, schedule, budget and bibliography, endorsed by a professor from the National University who will be his tutor. (This document is proof of knowledge).
NOTE: Those who enter by transit to another postgraduate level must complete the application of sending documents in order to register their resume in the Program.
- Advance the document loading process prior to the closing date.
- Verify that you have all required documents, each in PDF format (only) and that it does not exceed the size of 10MB.
- Allow sufficient time to load the documents. Loading of documents can be done in parts, closing each time you finish loading each part of the requested documentation.
- The documents related to a (*) are optional, the others are mandatory. However, these supports give points within the qualification of the resume, it is recommended to attach them in case of having them.
- To make changes to documents you have previously loaded, you must load the new document and save the changes. The new document will replace the previously loaded one.
- The application using a set of choices indicates the number of records loaded in each section and points in red to the section in which there are no loaded supports.
- Previously contact the people you will relate to as references, and make sure that you enter the recommendations within the set deadline.
- After loading the entire documentation, it will be enough to log out to save it. This information will be stored and sent automatically to the evaluators after application closure.
Minimum approval score
Curriculum Vitae
3.0 over 5.0
CV Assessment criteria
ACADEMIC DEGREES: Technician 1 point, technology 2 points, undergraduate 11 points, specialisation 1 point, master's degree 2 points (cumulative), (the degree certificate or certification of completion of subjects and/or certification of being awaiting degree is considered valid).
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1 point per year of pre- or post-degree experience (experience as a professor is considered professional).
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: 1 point per year of experience before or after the degree.
ACADEMIC HONOURS: Best Saberpro, university scholarships, distinctions from foundations or associations, etc. (1 point for each award).
- Less than 3.4 : 2 points
- 3.4 - 3.59 : 4 points
- 3.6 - 3.79 : 6 points
- 3.8 - 4.39 : 7 points
- 4.4 - 5.0 : 8 points
PUBLICATIONS: Publications after the degree (0.5 points for each presentation at events), (1 point for each indexed publication), (2 points for each book).
REFERENCES: (2 points: Strongly; 1 point: Recommends; 0 points: With reservations; Do Not Recommend).
Pre-proposal Assessment Criteria
Quality of the Proposal
Relevance of the project in the national context
Consistency with programme research lines
Feasibility of project implementation
Potential impact of the results
Interview Assessment Criteria
Motivation and knowledge of the Program
Time availability
Economic sufficiency
Ability to work in research groups
Communication skills
Possibility to perform the degree work in the company
Proficiency of Foreign Language
- Be a graduate of an undergraduate program at the National University of Colombia.
- If you are a graduate of a postgraduate program from the National University of Colombia and obtained a grade equal to or higher than 3.5 in the English exam presented in the admission process.
- Achieve the level of sufficiency required by the University through the test applied by the National Admissions Directorate.
- Present a foreign language certificate with a validity of less than two years. See Homologate proof of knowledge in English. To present the certificate you must deliver the original and current certificate, within the schedule established by the respective call during the registration period, to the National Admissions Directorate (Calle 44 No. 45-67, Bloque B3, Unidad Camilo Torres, Bogotá D.C., from Monday to Friday in continuous working day from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm); or send to the email a digital image of the original and current certificate, that is, with a date of submission not later than two years of the test being applied for. The duration of the certificate is counted with respect to the start date of the registration process.
Minimum admission mark
Coordinator: Néstor Yezid Rojas Roa
Curricular area: Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Director: Juan Carlos Serrato Bermúdez
Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 13649
Creation :

Opening :

Fees :

Admission process :