Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia


recursos hidraulicos 4109e

See THE METAMORPHOSIS OF DAPHNE at the Laboratory of Hydraulics of Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

The sustainable use and management of water resources in the country associated with the continuous demand for water by a society in constant growth and development, demands from Universidad Nacional de Colombia a commitment to the training of postgraduates with high levels of suitability, competitiveness, specific knowledge and research capacity.

The Faculty of Engineering has been offering since 1968 Postgraduate Programs in Hydraulic Resources, in which a significant number of professionals involved in the management and sound management of water and water resource development projects have participated, as well as in the implementation and development of sanitation and water resource recovery processes.

In 2013, the Ministry of National Education granted high-quality accreditation to the Master degree in Engineering - Hydraulic Resources (Decision 1971).

The program currently has double degree agreements, as well as internships and research stays at universities abroad.


  • Education level: Master's degree
  • Type of curriculum: Research - In-depth-study
  • Academic program: Master's Degree in Engineering - Water Resources
  • Title granted: MSc. of Engineering – Water Resources
  • SNIES Code 99
  • Creation year 1987
  • Opening year: 1987
  • Campus: Bogotá
  • Faculty: Engineering
  • Estimated duration: 4
  • Total credits: 52
  • Semester tuition described by points:

    Academic Fee

    Administrative Fee

    Welfare Fee

    Insurance Fee




    26,000 COP

  • Point equivalence: currently daily minimum wage for 2020 - ( Circular 1 of 2020 - General Secretariat ) = $29,260 COP
  • Approximate tuition for the semester: $5,731,700 COP



To educate professionals at postgraduate level with high scientific knowledge and use of advanced technical tools, as well as criteria for decision-making, that allow them to face and solve problems at regional and national level in the field of water resources. To achieve this, the program facilitates an interdisciplinary learning environment, and a multidimensional vision of water resource management.


We offer a comprehensive and up-to-date training programme. We work in collaboration with other universities, institutes and research groups both nationally and internationally, creating spaces for the further training of our students, as well as the exchange of knowledge on the different topics of interest. Thanks to this we have become a leading program in the training of professionals in the area of water resources and water sanitation.


Objectives of the curriculum

To educate professionals who are able to generate innovative solutions for particular nationwide problems in the water resources and water sanitation field, being consistent with the commitment of graduates of Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

The Master's degree in Water Resources has two different curricula: research and deepening. These plans lead to the same title as established in the Agreement 033 of 2007 of the Higher University Council.

From the Research Curriculum

Development of methodologies, procedures or new knowledge focused on the understanding, improvement, utilization, management and control of different hydrosystems.

From the Deepening Curriculum

Training of professionals who are able to deepen and apply the knowledge and tools acquired for the solution of particular problems in the field of water resources and water sanitation.




The Master’s Degree offers its courses from Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 1 PM. Seminars are offered on Friday from 7 to 9 AM.

In the intersemestral period, intensive eligible courses are offered within the International Chair of Engineering. Usually these courses are offered in another language.


nc hidra 47d7c
Asignaturas Elegibles Recursos Hidráulicos

Obteniendo datos del Sistema de Información Acádemica SIA






Adiela Villarreal M.


Carlos A. Duarte A.


Carlos E. Cubillos


Carlos J. Collazos


Daniel A. Agudelo Q.


Edgar L. Villarreal G.


Erasmo A. Rodríguez S.


Leonardo D. Donado G.


Martha C. Bustos


Nestor Alonso Mancipe Muñoz


Rafael O. Ortiz M.



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The research lines of the program are:

  • Hydrology and meteorology.
  • Hydraulic Engineering.
  • Water sanitation.
  • Planning, policy, information and environmental management of water resources.
  • Modeling of natural phenomena and threats.

Research groups

Water Engineering Research Group (GIREH):

The GIREH group is a consolidated group, made up of eleven researchers with a master’s degree and doctorate in the area of utilization and analysis of the quantity and quality of water resources. GIREH emerged as a result of the teaching and research experience, consolidated through the postgraduate course in hydraulic resources of the Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering, offered continuously since 1987.

Resilience and Sanitation Research Group (RESA):

The RESA research group brings together teachers and students working in the area of environmental sanitation. In particular, the following lines of research are being carried out: water purification; solid and leachate waste; treatment and re-use of wastewater; water quality; socio-ecological systems and sanitation; emerging pollutants; environmental destination of pollutants; engineering, policy and environmental health.

Research Group HYDS:

The HYDS research group aims to carry out both the basic and applied study of hydrodynamics in natural surface and underground systems, consisting of 9 researchers with a master’s degree, doctorate and students working in the area of groundwater and in the development of infrastructure projects, mining, energy (mainly hydrocarbons), as well as interaction in natural geological media. In particular, we have the following lines of research:  Grounwater and public Works. Excavations and Tunnels, Grounwater and Public Policy, Applied Hydrogeolody and Surface Water – Groundwater Interaction. 


Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering

First and only of its kind in the country. It has a wide range of teaching facilities and measuring instruments for the observation and study of the movement behaviour of fluids (liquids and gases) in pipes, open channels and discharges to the atmosphere, as well as the study of the performance of hydraulic machinery (pumps and turbines). It also has some facilities for the demonstration of the basic principles of fluid mechanics.

Laboratory of Hydraulic Tests.

The LEH presents an infrastructure specifically designed for the development of physical models for the reproduction of hydraulic phenomena and behaviour, both on free surface and under pressure, for verification purposes and optimised of infrastructure project designs or study of the behaviour of natural channels. This laboratory offers graduate students a space for research and extension projects, both for the public and private sectors.

Laboratory of Environmental Engineering

The Environmental Engineering Laboratory conducts tests for environmental analysis in matrices such as water, air, soils and solid waste, in addition to specific analyses, by applying standardized and recognized methods, having equipment with the necessary accuracy and highly competent staff.


Master's Degree in Engineering - Water Resources

Call for proposals 2020-02 - Research - In-Depth Study





  • If you have completed undergraduate studies at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, you still have credits and are interested in obtaining the benefit to pursue postgraduate studies at the university, access this link for more information

If you are a foreign student, click on the link for more information Aspirantes Extranjeros. We clarified that the certificates of admission / acceptance letters (if required) are issued only to applicants selected by the National University in the admissions process established.


  • Pay registration fees from Thursday 1 October to Thursday 8 October 2020 until 3 p.m.
  • Register online from Thursday 1 October to Thursday 8 October 2020 until 11.59 p.m.
  • Fill out the web application for resumes and applicant supports: from Friday 9 October to Wednesday 21 October 2020 until 18:00. The information to access the web platform will be sent to the email address with which you formalized your registration in the admissions system.
  • Application of initial tests: Essay on the project you wish to develop in your master's degree, in which the applicant includes an introduction, the idea to be developed, a critical analysis and/or discussion and conclusions. The essay should be no longer than 1 page, in any font, size 11 and single spaced, and should be sent to, by Thursday 21 October 2020 at the latest, until 6 p.m.
  • Publication of initial test results: on Thursday 5 November 2020.
  • Publication of summons to Interviews: on Friday 6 November 2020
  • Interviews and Rating resumes: from Monday 9 November to Friday 13 November 2020 - virtual interview via Google Meet
  • Publication of final admissions results: 19 November 2020


Los documentos señalados con (*) son opcionales. Sin embargo, esos soportes otorgan puntos dentro de la calificación de la hoja de vida, se recomienda adjuntarlos en caso de contar con ellos.


  • Documento de identificación.
  • Tarjeta profesional
  • Soportes de estudios universitarios:
    • Acta de grado.
    • Diploma.
    • Certificado de notas.
    • Documento legalizado mediante apostilla o delegación diplomática (en caso de títulos obtenidos en el extranjero).
    • Certificado de culminación de estudios expedido por la institución donde desarrolló los estudios (para estudiantes que aún no tienen el título de pregrado).
    • Reporte de Historia Académica (para los estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia con opción de grado de materias de posgrado).
  • Distinciones Académicas*:
    • Nombre de la distinción, institución que otorga, fecha en que se otorgó y adjuntar soporte.
  • Experiencia Laboral*:
    • Nombre de la institución o empresa, tipo de vinculación, fecha de inicio y de finalización(o en curso), cargo, función principal y adjuntar soporte.
  • Experiencia Docente*:
    • Nombre de la institución, dedicación, fecha de inicio y de finalización (o en curso), áreas de trabajo, información de asignaturas impartidas e intensidad de horas por semana y adjuntar soporte.
  • Experiencia Investigativa*:
    • Nombre de la investigación, institución, área del proyecto, entidad financiadora, funciones principales, fecha de inicio de vinculación y de finalización (o en curso), país y adjuntar soporte.
  • Producción Intelectual*:
    • Tipo de producción (artículo en revista indexada, libro, capítulo de libro, patente, software, planta piloto, diseño industrial, otra producción), datos de la producción y adjuntar soporte.
  • Certificaciones de idioma*:
    • No se exige acreditación de inglés como requisito en el proceso de admisión, sin embargo, adjuntar soporte si lo tiene.
  • Referencias académicas o profesionales*:
    • La aplicación web le solicitará los datos básicos de contacto de dos personas que realizarán el registro de 2 referencias académicas o profesionales según el perfil al que aspira (las referencias académicas aplican para el perfil de investigación, mientras que para el perfil de profundización aplican las referencias académicas o profesionales). La información diligenciada por las personas que usted indique es confidencial y será de conocimiento únicamente para las directivas del programa durante el proceso de evaluación de la admisión.


  • Attached document with letter of motivation from the applicant maximum one page.
  • Attach a document (maximum 2500 characters, including spaces) in which the applicant proposes a topic to be developed in his/her final master's work.

NOTE: Those people who enter by early admission or automatic admission (National University of Colombia) must apply for the sending of documents in order to register their resume in the program.


La recepción de documentos se realizará mediante el diligenciamiento de la aplicación web, en la que se realizará el cargue de soportes y documentos adicionales.

Para tal fin, cada aspirante recibirá un correo electrónico por parte de la Vicedecanatura Académica de la Facultad con el enlace web e instructivo correspondiente.

La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, no se hace responsable en caso de que el aspirante no pueda ingresar sus datos y documentos satisfactoriamente por medio de la aplicación web, debido a la demanda de usuarios simultáneos que superen la capacidad del sistema. Se recomienda adelantar el proceso con anterioridad a la fecha de cierre.


  • Adelantar el proceso de cargue de documentos con anterioridad a la fecha de cierre.
  • Verificar que cuente con todos los documentos requeridos, cada uno en formato PDF(únicamente) y que no exceda el tamaño de 10MB.
  • Disponer de tiempo suficiente para efectuar el cargue de los documentos. El cargue de los documentos puede hacerlo por partes, cerrando sesión cada vez que termine de cargar cada parte de la documentación solicitada.
  • Los documentos relacionados con un (*) son opcionales, los demás son obligatorios.
  • Para realizar cambios en los documentos que ha cargado previamente, debe cargar el nuevo documento y guardar los cambios. El nuevo documento reemplazará el cargado previamente.
  • El aplicativo mediante un menú indica la cantidad de registros cargados en cada sección y señala en color rojo la sección en la cual no hay soportes cargados.
  • Contactar previamente a las personas que relacionará como referencias, y asegurarse que ingresen las recomendaciones dentro del plazo establecido.
  • Al finalizar de cargar la totalidad de la documentación, bastará con cerrar sesión para guardarla. Esta información quedará almacenada y será enviada automáticamente a los evaluadores después del cierre del aplicativo.


The regulations governing the admission process for postgraduate programs of Universidad Nacional de Colombia are contained in Decision 035 of 2014 of the Academic Vice-rectory, specifically the Faculty of Engineering details some aspects by Agreement 028 of 2016 of the Faculty of Engineering Council, the weighting of its components is as shown below:




Minimum approval score

Curriculum Vitae













3.0 over 5.0

The minimum score required for admission to the Master of Water Resources program will be 60/100 points, equivalent to the minimum passing score of 3.0/5.0 on a numerical scale from 0.0 to 5.0.

In the event of a tie on the final score, the place will be assigned to the applicant with the highest score on the knowledge test, and if the tie persists, the interview score will be taken

CV Assessment criteria

The evaluation of the applicant's curriculum vitae will be based on the documentation submitted during the admission process (curriculum vitae and supports). The following will be taken into account for the assessment: undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and grade point average, professional, teaching and research experience, as well as duly supported academic distinctions, publications and academic references

The curriculum vitae will be assessed by the offering professor and by another professor of the Master's program.

Evaluation criteria Eliminating tests

The applicant must submit an essay on the project he/she wishes to develop in his/her master's degree, in which the applicant includes an introduction, the idea to be developed, a critical analysis and/or discussion and conclusions. The essay should be no longer than 1 page, in any font, size 11 and single spaced. The essay is suggested to be developed on one of the topics offered in this call. The minimum grade of approval will be 3.0/5.0.

The evaluation criteria will be:

  • Structure of the essay
  • Writing, Spelling and Grammar
  • Critical analysis and discussion
  • Relevance of the essay with respect to the topics offered in this call

The elimination test will be evaluated by the offering teacher and by another teacher of the Master's program.

Interview Assessment Criteria

The purpose of the interview is to assess, among other things, the applicant's motivation for pursuing postgraduate studies, their interest in the programme, as well as to establish their expectations once they have completed their studies. The interview will be assessed by the teaching staff offering the programme and by another teaching staff member on the Master's program.

Topics and quotas offered

Research Line Available professor Quotas Candidate Profile Topic of research to be developed
Modeling of natural phenomena and hazards Leonardo David Donado Garzón 1 Research profile Hydraulic tests in heterogeneous aquifers: Case study of the Middle Magdalena Valley.
1 Research profile Base flow analysis in large tropical streams and their tributaries: Case study of the Middle Magdalena Valley.
1 Research profile Approximation to the definition of a usable aquifer according to the hydrochemical and geological characterization of the country, for the activities of underground injection of fluids from the hydrocarbon industry and the sequestration of CO2.
1 Research profile Evaluation of the Estimated Recharge by Different Hydrological Models
Néstor Alonso Mancipe Muñoz 1 Research profile Evaluation of environmental sensors to support water resource monitoring and modelling
1 Research profile Eco-hydraulic modeling for the analysis of pollutant assimilation in rivers
Hydrology and meteorology Leonardo David Donado Garzón 1 Research profile Development of regional climate change scenarios for the Middle Magdalena Valley
1 Research profile Ecohydrological modeling as a response to water-soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction using remote sensing tools: a case study in the northern zone of the Middle Magdalena Valley
Hydraulic Engineering Carlos Eduardo Cubillos Pena 2 Deepening profile River hydraulics, river engineering, navigation, surface hydrology, general hydraulics or history of river engineering in Colombia
Environmental Sanitation Martha Cristina Bustos López 1 Research profile Removal of emerging contaminants from wastewater
1 Deepening profile Water reuse
Carlos Julio Collazos Chávez 2 Deepening profile Wastewater treatment
Water Resources Planning, Policy, Information and Environmental Management Gabriela Arrieta Loyo 1 Deepening profile Water Resource Management and Circular Economy of Wastewater

For more information please write to:

Minimum admission score

The minimum admission mark after weighting all the components of the entrance examination shall be 3.0 out of 5.0.


Coordinator: Nestor Alonso Mancipe Muñoz

Email:  -

Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 13471

Address: Av. NQS (Carrera 30), 45-03, Campus Ciudad Universitaria – Laboratory of Hydraulics, 3rd Floor

Curricular area: Civil and Agricultural Engineering

Director: Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam

Teléfono: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 13663
