Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia


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Title granted: MSc. of Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering

OPENING HOURS: The master’s student must have sufficient time to attend courses, seminars and practical activities, as well as to develop his thesis or final work. The courses are run from Monday to Friday between 7am and 9am, and between 4pm and 8pm and eventually on Saturdays from 7 am to 1 pm.

The postgraduate programs in geotechnical engineering of the Universidad de Colombia have a wide trajectory and recognition for the quality of graduates who have performed efficiently in different areas of national engineering.

The Master’s degree in Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering program was created in 1975 and since then has been characterized by interest in the knowledge of national geotechnical problems in topics such as landslides, foundations, dynamic terrain response and material performance.

The program seeks to give students a solid training in geotechnical knowledge that allows them to have tools for the analysis and solution of engineering problems, propose new methodologies and allow them to work on research projects.


  • Education level: Master's degree
  • Type of curriculum: Research - In-depth study
  • Academic Program: Master’s Degree in Engineering – Geotechnical Engineering
  • Title granted: MSc. of Engineering – Geotechnical Engineering
  • SNIES code: 100
  • Creation year: 1987
  • Opening year: 1987
  • Campus: Bogotá
  • Faculty: Engineering
  • Estimated duration: 4 semesters
  • Total credits: 52
  • Six-monthly fees (detailed down by points):

    Academic fee

    Administrative fee

    Welfare fee

    Policy fee




    26,000 COP

  • Point equivalence: One day of the current statutory minimum monthly wage (CSMMW) 2020 - (Circular 1 of 2020 - General Secretariat) = $29,260 COP
  • Current approximate cost of the semester: $5,731,700 COP


Candidate Profile

Candidates for the master’s degree can be civil engineers, geologists or earth science professionals with an interest in obtaining sound geotechnical knowledge and actively participating in research and technological innovation projects. However, other professionals who wish to research and contribute in the geotechnical field, such as physicists, chemists or mechanical and electronic engineers, can also aspire to this master’s degree, since geotechnics currently involve multiple disciplines. In the Master of Research it is recommended that the applicant be interested in dedicating himself to the methodical development of a research topic aimed at advancing knowledge. The master’s degree is more suitable for applicants who wish to improve their geotechnical knowledge in order to apply it to the development and improvement of specific techniques, design processes or solution of geotechnical problems.

Graduate Profile

The graduate of the research program will be a professional with solid knowledge in geotechnics, who has the necessary tools for the development of research processes and technological innovation in this area. Graduates of the in-depth program will have the skills to actively participate in consultancy, construction and innovation projects in different fields that require solid knowledge of geotechnics.



The Master’s degree in Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering seeks to train professionals with solid and deep knowledge in the field of geotechnical engineering, with the highest level of research capacity and with the possibility of applying their knowledge to the development of the country in aspects such as new methodologies, process innovation, training of new professionals, contributions in different fields of consultancy, construction, organization of geotechnical projects, etc.


The Master’s degree in Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering has as vision ten years, maintain its high academic and research level, the continuous training of professionals committed to the development of the country and be one of the academic programs in geotechnics better structured in the country and one of the best in the Latin American regional.


The general objectives of the program are:

  • To deepen the knowledge of Geotechnics and the methodology of scientific work with a view to solving problems applied to the country’s conditions.
  • Contribute to the training of researchers and university teachers in the field of Geotechnics.

The specific training objectives of the Research curriculum are:

To train professionals with solid knowledge of geotechnics and with research tools that allow them to actively participate in research projects and in consulting and construction projects in different phases where geotechnical components are involved. In addition, these professionals should strengthen their capacity to innovate in order to solve the country’s problems, through the development of their own or appropriately adapted methodologies under conditions of economic, social and environmental efficiency.

The specific training objectives of the Deepening curriculum are:

To train professionals with large and sufficient knowledge of geotechnics, that allow them to apply them efficiently in the solution of engineering problems and in the practical exercise of the profession in different fields such as construction consulting, special developments, etcetera. These professionals will have the critical and innovative capacity to identify, characterize, evaluate and propose solutions to the country’s problems through the development of their own methodologies or appropriately adapted under conditions of economic, social and environmental efficiency.



Academic Activities and Research Courses




Thesis project


Research seminars


Total academic activities


Free Eligible Courses


Total Research credits



Academic Activities and Courses


Final work


Final work proposal




Total academic activities


Free Eligible Courses


Total In-depth credits



Eligible Subjects

The offer of subjects in each academic period will be conditioned to the programming carried out by the Advisory Committees of the respective program.


  • Soil behaviour*
  • Investigation of the subsoil*
  • Foundations Engineering
  • Numerical methods in geotechnics
  • Analysis methods in geotechnics*
  • Basic mechanics of rocks
  • Geology for engineers
  • Photo-identification
  • Structures of containment
  • Slope stability
  • Soil and rock dynamics
  • Road materials*
  • Advanced pavements
  • Flow in porous media

* Core Component Subjects in the Master’s Degree

Obteniendo datos del Sistema de Información Acádemica SIA





Félix Hernández Rodríguez


Ferney Betancourt Cardozo


Julio Esteban Colmenares Montañez


Gloria Inés Beltrán Calvo


Carol Andrea Murillo Feo


Guillermo Eduardo Ávila Álvarez


Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez


Edgar Eduardo Rodríguez Granados


Manuel García López


Mario Camilo Torres Suárez


Octavio Coronado


Héctor Julio Fierro Morales


Edgar Robert Barbosa


Edgar Rodríguez Rincón


Jorge Arturo Pineda Jaimes


Mauricio Alberto Tapias Camacho

Assistant Professor

Jennifer Ángel Amaya

Assistant Professor

Mariano Alfonso Ramos Cañón

Associate Professor


Research Lines

Three lines of research are included in the program:

  • Constituent relationships of soils, rocks and related materials.
  • Geotechnical modeling and analysis.
  • Analysis of reliability and risks associated with the geotechnical environment.

The lines of research described above can be applied on four strategic fronts:

  • Basic geotechnics
  • Slopes, hillsides, riverbeds and geotechnical zoning
  • Underground excavations
  • Materials and pavements

Research Groups

The two research groups supporting the Program are: the Geotechnical Research Group GIGUN and the Residual and Partially Saturated Soil Research Group GISRP.


The following laboratory equipment is available:

  • Equipment for basic characterization of stone materials.
  • Triaxial equipment for monotonic, cyclic and stress trajectory tests on soils.
  • Consolidation and direct cutting equipment.
  • Equipment for testing resistance, deformability and degradation of rocks.
  • Complete laboratory for pavement testing.
  • Specialized equipment of field for control of pavements: deflectometer of impact and georradar
  • Seismograph.
  • Equipment for suction tests.
  • It is also supported by other faculties in equipment such as electronic microscope, optical microscopes, X-ray diffraction, etc.


Master’s degree in Engineering- Geotechnical Engineering

Call for proposals 2020-02 Research - In-Depth Study



  • If you have completed undergraduate studies at the National University of Colombia, you still have credits and are interested in obtaining the benefit to pursue postgraduate studies at the university, access this link for more information

If you are a foreign student, click on the link for more information Aspirantes Extranjeros. We clarified that the certificates of admission / acceptance letters (if required) are issued only to applicants selected by the National University in the admissions process established.


  • Pay registration fees from Wednesday 12 February to Thursday 16 April 2020 until 15:00 hours.
  • Register onlinefrom Wednesday 12 February to Thursday 16 April 2020 until 23:59 hours.
  • Fill out the web application for resumes and applicant supports: from 27 June to 01 July 2020 at 23:59. The information for accessing the web platform will be sent to the email address with which you formalized your registration in the admissions system on June 26, 2020.
  • Publication summons to initial tests You will be informed at the email address with which you registered in the admissions system. The aptitude test will be carried out by means of an essay-type document. The instructions for the essay will be sent on July 3rd and applicants must submit their essay by July 11th 2020 at 23:59 at the latest.
  • Delivering initial tests: from Saturday 4 July until 23:59 on Saturday 11 July 2020.
  • Publication of summons to Interview: You will be informed at the email address with which you registered in the admissions system on Friday 03 July 2020.
  • Application of Interviews:Desde el lunes 6 de julio al viernes 17 de julio de 2020.
  • Publication of final admissions results: 30 July 2020.


Los documentos señalados con (*) son opcionales. Sin embargo, esos soportes otorgan puntos dentro de la calificación de la hoja de vida, se recomienda adjuntarlos en caso de contar con ellos.


  • Documento de identificación.
  • Tarjeta profesional
  • Soportes de estudios universitarios:
    • Acta de grado.
    • Diploma.
    • Certificado de notas.
    • Documento legalizado mediante apostilla o delegación diplomática (en caso de títulos obtenidos en el extranjero).
    • Certificado de culminación de estudios expedido por la institución donde desarrolló los estudios (para estudiantes que aún no tienen el título de pregrado).
    • Reporte de Historia Académica (para los estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia con opción de grado de materias de posgrado).
  • Distinciones Académicas*:
    • Nombre de la distinción, institución que otorga, fecha en que se otorgó y adjuntar soporte.
  • Experiencia Laboral*:
    • Nombre de la institución o empresa, tipo de vinculación, fecha de inicio y de finalización(o en curso), cargo, función principal y adjuntar soporte.
  • Experiencia Docente*:
    • Nombre de la institución, dedicación, fecha de inicio y de finalización (o en curso), áreas de trabajo, información de asignaturas impartidas e intensidad de horas por semana y adjuntar soporte.
  • Experiencia Investigativa*:
    • Nombre de la investigación, institución, área del proyecto, entidad financiadora, funciones principales, fecha de inicio de vinculación y de finalización (o en curso), país y adjuntar soporte.
  • Producción Intelectual*:
    • Tipo de producción (artículo en revista indexada, libro, capítulo de libro, patente, software, planta piloto, diseño industrial, otra producción), datos de la producción y adjuntar soporte.
  • Certificaciones de idioma*:
    • No se exige acreditación de inglés como requisito en el proceso de admisión, sin embargo, adjuntar soporte si lo tiene.
  • Referencias académicas o profesionales*:
    • La aplicación web le solicitará los datos básicos de contacto de dos personas que realizarán el registro de 2 referencias académicas o profesionales según el perfil al que aspira (las referencias académicas aplican para el perfil de investigación, mientras que para el perfil de profundización aplican las referencias académicas o profesionales). La información diligenciada por las personas que usted indique es confidencial y será de conocimiento únicamente para las directivas del programa durante el proceso de evaluación de la admisión.


  • Attached document with letter of motivation from the applicant maximum one page.
  • Attached document on the subject you wish to address in your research or in-depth study, with a maximum length of 2500 characters with spaces.

NOTE: Those people who enter by early admission or automatic admission (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) must apply for the sending of documents in order to register their resume in the program.


La recepción de documentos se realizará mediante el diligenciamiento de la aplicación web, en la que se realizará el cargue de soportes y documentos adicionales.

Para tal fin, cada aspirante recibirá un correo electrónico por parte de la Vicedecanatura Académica de la Facultad con el enlace web e instructivo correspondiente.

La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, no se hace responsable en caso de que el aspirante no pueda ingresar sus datos y documentos satisfactoriamente por medio de la aplicación web, debido a la demanda de usuarios simultáneos que superen la capacidad del sistema. Se recomienda adelantar el proceso con anterioridad a la fecha de cierre.


  • Adelantar el proceso de cargue de documentos con anterioridad a la fecha de cierre.
  • Verificar que cuente con todos los documentos requeridos, cada uno en formato PDF(únicamente) y que no exceda el tamaño de 10MB.
  • Disponer de tiempo suficiente para efectuar el cargue de los documentos. El cargue de los documentos puede hacerlo por partes, cerrando sesión cada vez que termine de cargar cada parte de la documentación solicitada.
  • Los documentos relacionados con un (*) son opcionales, los demás son obligatorios.
  • Para realizar cambios en los documentos que ha cargado previamente, debe cargar el nuevo documento y guardar los cambios. El nuevo documento reemplazará el cargado previamente.
  • El aplicativo mediante un menú indica la cantidad de registros cargados en cada sección y señala en color rojo la sección en la cual no hay soportes cargados.
  • Contactar previamente a las personas que relacionará como referencias, y asegurarse que ingresen las recomendaciones dentro del plazo establecido.
  • Al finalizar de cargar la totalidad de la documentación, bastará con cerrar sesión para guardarla. Esta información quedará almacenada y será enviada automáticamente a los evaluadores después del cierre del aplicativo.


The regulations governing the admission process for postgraduate programs of Universidad Nacional de Colombia are contained in Decision 035 of 2014 of the Academic Vice-rectory, specifically the Faculty of Engineering details some aspects by Agreement 028 of 2016 of the Faculty of Engineering Council, the weighting of its components is as shown below:




Minimum approval score

Curriculum vitae














3.0 over 5.0

CV Assessment criteria

The assessment of the applicant’s CV will be made on the basis of the documentation provided during the admission process (CV and media). They will be taken into account for the assessment: degrees and average undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, professional, teaching and research experience, as well as duly supported academic distinctions, publications and academic references.

Exams Assessment Criteria

The Knowledge Test f is a specific test that will identify the basic knowledge in the program as well as mathematical skills, reading comprehension, etc of the applicant.

Interview Assessment Criteria

In the interview applicants will be asked about different aspects to establish their interest in the program, as well as the possibilities it has to successfully conclude the respective program.

Minimum admission score

The minimum admission mark after weighting all the components of the entrance examination shall be 3.0 out of 5.0.


Coordinator: Ferney Betancourt Cardozo

Email: -

Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 13307

Address: Av. NQS (Carrera 30), 45-03, Campus Ciudad Universitaria, Building: 406 - Office: 204

Curricular area: Civil and Agricultural Engineering

Director: Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam

Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 13663



Status: Accredited

Self-assessment starting date: 2010-02

Background information: R-1519 de 27-09-2013

Decision on accreditation: 7123

Accreditation date 2015-05-20

Validity time of the accreditation: Six (6) years