Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia



The Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Bogotá Campus is one of the academic units with greater tradition and prestige of the Institution, which makes it a reference at national and international level. It aims to integrate its human capital with the physical and financial resources provided the University for the education of engineers in the fields of rural and urban infrastructure. The Department seeks to educate professionals for the conception, design, construction, implementation and operation of infrastructure works and other actions that contribute to the solution of the numerous problems for the development of the country, under criteria of economic efficiency, environmental sustainability and technical and social convenience, according to the local, regional or national perspective.

The professionals of the Department achieve a high level of technical and scientific qualification, as well as a strong commitment to society, which allows them to stand out for their performance and leadership in the different projects where they participate in the development of the country.

The Department is integrated by six academic sections, where professors develop collegially their work in each one of the disciplines that constitute its programs. These sections are: Structures and Construction, Geotechnics, Agricultural Engineering, Hydraulic Resources, Environmental Sanitation, and Roads and Transportation. As a fundamental part of its academic work, the Department has nine research groups that develop scientific activities and encourage motivation and skills in students to generate new knowledge. Likewise, the Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering puts its knowledge and experience at the service of the country through its participation in projects of specialized consultancy that allow to contribute effectively in the development of the country.



Work Team

  • Department Secretary
  • Nieves Judith Lopez Leguizamón
  • Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:00m and 2:00 to 4:00pm



The history of the Department of Civil Engineering and its alumni is closely linked to the history of the Faculty. The latter had its origins in the College of the Military Engineers Corps, organized under the government of Don Juan Corral in 1814 in Medellin. Its first director was the sage Francisco José de Caldas, who was then Colonel of Engineers. This school had short life due to both the trip of its director to Santa Fé and the campaign of the Spanish reconquest.

In the first administration of General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, the Military College was created for training Official and Civil Engineers. It opened on January 2, 1848 under the direction of the Generals of Independence, José María Ortega and Joaquín M. Barriga and with the collaboration of distinguished professors such as Don Lino de Pombo, Colonel Antonio R. de Narváez and Don Ramón Guerra Azuola, later Engineer and Lawyer. The main subjects were Arithmetic, Algebra, Speculative and Practical Geometry, Straight and Spherical Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Conic Sections mathematically and systematically treated, Descriptive Geometry and its applications to shadows, Perspective, Machinery and Stone Cutting, Differential and Integral Calculus, Mechanics, Machinery, Cosmography, Civil Architecture, Hydraulics, Roads, Bridges and Pavements.

From the military point of view, there were courses on campaign fortifications, mines, military bridges, attack and defense of fortified places and points, constructions of the branch of engineers and their materials, equipment and artillery service, tactics, topography, time and expenses budget, gymnastic exercises, fencing, riding and swimming, etc. In this stage, two military engineers and a group of civil engineers were graduated, among them: Ramón Ponce de León, Indalecio Liévano, Juan Nepomuceno González Vázquez, Tomás Cuenca and Rafael Pombo, who did not practice the profession.

The coup of General José María Melo, on April 17, 1854 interrupted the work of the Military College, though in 1855 General Herrán, defended the existence of this already famous establishment in the Congress. After the triumph of the revolution of General Mosquera, and the subsequent storming of Bogotá, this caudillo, who had always had a special interest in the institution, issued a decree on August 24, 1861, that reestablished the Military College and created in addition the Polytechnic School for engineering education. These establishments were later incorporated into the Universidad Nacional. Thus, the Faculty of Engineering had then its origins.

On July 4, 1866, the Congress ordered the issuance of diplomas of suitability of the country's engineers, creating the Corps of Engineers, as a dependency of the Government. It had a Director and Secretary and two assistants for each of the states (of the then United States of Colombia). This body was organized by the Government on August 30 of that same year.

After the coup d'état in May 1867, Law 66 of September 22 of that same year created the Universidad Nacional de los Estados Unidos Colombia and within it, the Faculty of Engineering, which put an end to the Military School. This Faculty functioned in the Old Cloister of Santa Clara, where the School of Fine Arts is today. From 1881 to 1884, the Engineering School functioned as a dependency of the Ministry of War and a few years of irregular activity came due to the frequent wars that hit the country. In 1885, under the direction of Rafael Espinosa Escallón, the Faculty was definitely organized and from this year until 1900 it was under the direction of the engineers Ramón Guerra Azuola, Manuel Ponce de León, Julio Garavito Armero and Rafael Torres Mariño.

The "War of a Thousand Days" interrupted essentially the work of the institution. In 1900, some friends of the wise Garavito, who was the Director then, organized the School of Engineers, which operated in the grounds of the Astronomical Observatory. Since 1902, when the war ended, the Faculty operated without interruption, under the direction of eminent patriots and men of study like Alberto Borda Tango, Francisco J. Casa, Victor F. Caro, Pedro Uribe Gauguín. Julio Carrizosa Valenzuela, Jorge Acosta Villaveces, Darío Rozo and Gabriel Durama Camacho. Law 68 of December 7, 1935 created the Universidad Nacional de Colombia as an autonomous legal entity with relative economic independence. The title of Rector was assigned to the President of the University and that of Dean to the Directors of the Faculties.

From 1902 to 1910, the University operated in the back side of the Carrera Palace and in 1910 it was moved to the building built on Calle 10ª with Carrera 5ª. From 1931 and before moving to the University City in 1940, it functioned in the old building of the Central Technical Institute. In 1965, by means of Agreement 59 of the University Superior Council, the Academic Division of the National University was established along with the general organization of its Academic Units that were: Dean, Vice Dean, Secretary, Department Director, Institutes Directors, Chiefs of Academic Sections. At that time, the undergraduate program was not regulated, and the Department was in charge of preparing the teaching programs appropriate to their purposes, with the guidelines indicated by the curricula of the Faculty.

In the beginning, the Department of Civil Engineering had six sections: Construction, Structures, Geotechnics, Hydraulics, Sanitary Engineering and Transport. The preliminary plans for teaching were approved by the Department Director and sent to the Board of Directors through the Dean. In addition, the Dean had the responsibility of teaching corresponding to his scientific field. The Chief of the Section collaborated with the Director of the Department in the normal development of the academic programs, evaluated annually the performance of the teaching staff of the section and presented it to the Department Director.

The professionalist conception of the Department assimilated the career with a "limitation in the projection and generation of new knowledge, inherent to the necessary restriction that the professional curriculum implied". This conception was modified in 1980 when the General Statute of the University was formulated in Agreement 124, due to the numerical growth and the academic development of the University in aspects such as the expansion of postgraduate programs and the development of research and consultancy work at an extrauniversity level, among others. This modification solved the dichotomy between the academic and administrative sectors. Within the conception of the Faculty, the General Statute presented the definitions of "Curricular Program" (undergraduate and postgraduate) and "Operative Unit".

The director of a curricular program (Curricular Division) is responsible for the adequate management of an operational unit (Department Direction), collaborates with the Board of Directors and the Dean in the administration of human resources (teachers and technicians) and the equipment and materials necessary for the execution of the research, teaching and specialized consultancy plans.

In Agreement 10 of 2000, the organizational structure of the faculties in Basic Units of Administrative Academic Management (UBGAA) was regulated and the Department of Civil Engineering became the Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering, comprising the civil engineering and agricultural engineering programs. In their undergraduate and postgraduate programs, the professors of the agricultural engineering career became part of the new Agricultural Academic Section.



The Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering will promote autonomous learning, appropriation, rational criticism and innovation of knowledge, techniques and tools in the fields of engineering to generate adequate responses to the problems and needs of the country. In accordance with the institutional guidelines, the curricular programs belonging to the Department must promote the study and interest of its students in the social and economic sciences, as well as in the variables of the scientific, cultural and social context, which characterize and delimit the environments and scenarios where engineers must develop their initiatives and projects. To achieve these educational purposes, the curricular programs will promote favorable environments and spaces for the participation of their students in university specialized consultancy, research and internationalization processes, specially programmed and systematically evaluated.


The Department of Civil and Agricultural Engineering will be recognized nationally and internationally for the concentration of all its efforts and resources in the education of professionals with a solid technical and scientific foundation; a special inclination towards autonomous learning, deepening and research; an objective perception about the cultural, social and economic contexts where they will develop their profession; and an outstanding intellectual and personal honesty.


  • Contribute to national unity, the articulation of its regions and its connection with the international sphere, in its condition of cultural and intellectual center, open to all beliefs, currents of thought and to all the social, ethnic, cultural, regional and local sectors.
  • Create and critically assimilate knowledge in the advanced fields of Science, Technique, Technology, Art and Philosophy.
  • Educate professionals and researchers on a scientific, ethical and humanistic basis, providing them with a critical conscience that allows them to responsibly act ahead of the requirements and trends of the contemporary world and creatively lead change processes.
  • Encourage the existence of a favorable environment for the personal development of its members, its research groups and the individual and collective processes of formation; for the quality of education; and for the advance of sciences, arts and their connection to culture.
  • Form free citizens and promote democratic values, tolerance and commitment to civil duties and human rights.
  • Study and enrich the nation's cultural, natural and environmental heritage and contribute to its conservation.
  • Promote the development of the national academic community and its international articulation.
  • Study and analyze national problems and autonomously propose formulations and relevant solutions, aiming to be the critical conscience of the nation.
  • Provide support and advice to the State in the scientific, technological, technical, cultural and artistic orders, with academic and research autonomy.
  • Share the benefits of its academic and research activity with the social sectors that constitute the Colombian nation.
  • Contribute, through cooperation with other State universities and institutions, to promotion an fostering of access to quality higher education.
  • Stimulate the integration and participation of the members of the university community, in order to achieve the aims of higher education.
  • Participate in initiatives, mixed corporations or other organizational forms to better comply with the objectives and functions of the University.


  • Execute, evaluate and monitor the programs and projects of the Faculty Development Plan that are related to their purpose, as well as evaluate the academic activities of the attached professors.
  • Review your internal organization and evaluate its management at least once a year.
  • Consider and decide on matters of student order that, according to the regulations of the University, are within its competence.
  • The others that the regulations of the University and the Faculty Councils assign or delegate to them.



SEMBU was born in the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Bogota Campus 2017. Its mission is to promote the research culture and social commitment of the undergraduate and graduate students of Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Design and other programs, in each of their research lines, in order to generate a professional evolution through practical experiences developed using research skills, critical thinking and formulation of innovative research and development projects.

The group has participated in research projects related to the physical and mechanical behavior of guadua, structures and panels for the solution of ecological and economically sustainable housing. It has been an active participant in the planning, preparation and development of workshops related to this material, such as the Modular Bridge Workshop in 2017 and the Dome Cane Covers and Vaults Workshop in 2018.

It has participated in social projects since its conception, planning, acquisition of materials until its construction and completion, for example, the structure of a chapel in Suesca Cundinamarca and the Paradero in Guadua for the road ring of the University.

The academic component has always been present within the SEMBU, since its members have made part in the organization of international conferences such as the V International Symposium of Bamboo and Guadua SIBGUADUA developed in 2017, within the framework of the Sesquicentennial of the National University of Colombia, and the First International Conference of Constructions with Non-Conventional Materials, developed in 2018 at the University. These have been events of high academic quality with national and international experts from different countries such as China, Australia, Great Britain, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, United States and other countries.

Students of this research seedbed have presented papers about projects carried out in the SEMBU at different national and international events such as the 17th version of the Non-Conventional Materials NOCMAT, the XI World Bamboo Congress, the 9th version of the Latin American Congress of Agricultural Engineering Students IX CLEIA, the First International Conference on Constructions with Non-Conventional Materials, the IV National Encounter of Young Engineers of the Colombian Society of Engineers, the Encounter of research seedbeds in ECICIENCIA and soon in the V International Congress of Environment and Sustainable Development MACDES 2018 that will be held in Cuba.