The Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Engineering is the highest division of the Faculty
It is responsible for the administration and good functioning of the curricular programs taught in the Faculty and for the fulfillment of the objectives of the research and specialized consultancy programs. It guides the actions of the Faculty promoting the integration of teaching, research, specialized consultancy, interdisciplinarity and high levels of quality in the essential activities of theUniversity. It also ensures compliance and execution of all the rules, regulations, policies and guidelines for all academic, financial and administrative matters, issued by the Superior University Council, the Academic Council, the Rector and other authorities of theUniversity.
The Dean represents the Faculty in the University and the Rector in the Faculty.

Work Team
- Executive Secretary
- Martha Lucía Reina Castaño
- Building 401, Second Floor
- Faculty Of Engineering
- Carrera 30 No. 45-03 - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Bogotá D.C. Colombia
- PBX: (57)(1) 3165000 ext. 13552 - 13554
- Email: -