To comply with Agreement 151 of the Superior University Council, the Curricular Area of Civil and Agricultural Engineering presents this site, where the Self-Assessment and Quality Monitoring of the Curricular Programs is kept.
The Advisory Committees of the Curricular Programs, under the organization of the Curricular Area, are responsible for:
- Carry out the self-assessment process and prepare the Improvement Plan.
- Coordinate the execution of the Improvement Plan.
- Monitor the implementation of the proposed improvement plan.
- Share with the community of the program the results of the external and self-assessment and of the accreditation.
- Perform continuous evaluation of the curricular program and update of the indicators of its complete governance.
It is the act by which the State adopts and publishes the recognition that academic peers make of the verification performed by an institution on the quality of its academic programs, its organization and functioning and the fulfillment of its social function. It is not only an opportunity for the State’s recognition of the quality of a program or an institution, but an occasion to compare the education given with the one that academic peers recognize as valid and desirable.
It is a process to which the curricular programs voluntarily submit for demonstrating that they have overcome the specific weaknesses detected by the academic peers in the different factors, thus potentiating and maximizing each of the strengths that they highlighted.
Plan de Mejoramiento
Los procesos de autoevaluacion con fines de acreditación se caracterizan por plasmar los resultados de las acciones de mejoramiento de los programas, por lo cual es preciso realizar el seguimiento a los objetivos del plan de mejoramiento y poner en contexto aquellas acciones que a nivel de facultad o universidad, tuvieron impacto en el programa curricular.
El balance del plan de mejoramiento no sólo consiste en establecer el resultado o el compromiso plasmado en el Plan de Mejoramiento, sino el impacto que tuvo en el programa en beneficio de la calidad. Este plan es fundamentado en las Resoluciones de Acreditación, los Informes de evaluación externa y los informes de gestión internos.
Los aspectos evaluados se centran en tres aspectos misionales (docencia, investigación y extensión), realizados por tres grupos de personas (quienes forman: docentes, los que se forman: estudiantes y los formdos: egresados), con el soporte de procesos de apoyo (recursos físicos y financieros, la organización y administración así como el servicio de bienestar institucional).
Aspectos evaluados para ser mejorados

Guía de organización de proyectos del plan de mejoramiento

Cronograma de Acreditación para el Área Curricular de Ingeniería Civil y Agrícola

Procesos Pregrados
En esta sección encontrará una recopilación de los documentos que tienen que ver con los procesos de acreditación de los Programas de Pregrado del Área Curricular de Ingeniería Civil y Agrícola. Se incluyen las fases de Autoevaluación y Evaluación de cada uno de los programas.
Acreditación 2006
Acreditación 2008
Acreditado por 4 años (2006 - 2010)
Acreditado por 4 años (2008 - 2012)
Renovación de Acreditación 2010 -2012
Renovación de Acreditación 2012 - 2013
Acreditado por 8 años (2012 - 2020)
Acreditado por 6 años (2013 - 2019)
Procesos Posgrados
- Maestría en Ingeniería - Recursos Hidráulicos
- Maestría en Ingeniería - Transporte
- Maestría en Ingeniería - Ingeniería Agrícola
- Maestría en Ingeniería - Geotecnia
- Maestría en Ingeniería - Estructuras
- Especialización en Estructuras
- Especialización en Tránsito, Diseño y Seguridad Vial
The Civil Engineering and Agricultural Engineering Programs of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota Campus, have agreements with different Universities in Europe and America so that undergraduate and graduate students with excellent academic performance carry out academic exchange or double degree agreements
Partner Universities
In recent years, the Faculty of Engineering has consolidated important connections with North American, European and Latin American Universities so that students can make academic exchanges, internships and even double degrees, in some cases. Below you can see a list of the Universities with which the Faculty of Engineering currently has cooperation agreements.
Detailed information on the list of partner universities can be found below:
Para facilitar los trámites de intercambios académicos entre estudiantes y la Universidad, se ha elaborado la "GUÍA DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA INTERCAMBIO ESTUDIANTIL EN EL EXTERIOR" esta guía la puedes encontrar en la lista de documentos a continuación. En la guía se detallan los procedimientos sobre:
- Cómo realizar una solicitud de intercambio
- Cómo recibir asesoría para definir el Contrato de Estudios
- Convalidar las asignaturas cursadas durante el intercambio
- Convalidar el Trabajo de Grado
- Convalidar prácticas estudiantiles
Los documentos asociados al proceso de Intercambio Académico se presentan a continuación:
- Manual de Movilidad Académica Saliente
- Equivalencia de notas en los diferentes sistemas
- Formato de Perfil de Estudiante
- Formato de Contrato de Estudios
- Guía de Intercambio Estudiantil
- Reglamento de Intercambios
- Formato de Solicitud de Intercambio Académico
Doble Titulación
Desde la ORI- Ingeniería, se han venido adelantando acuerdos de Doble titulación con UNIVERSIDADES EUROPEAS. La Vicerrectoría Académica realizó la propuesta de convalidación de créditos para la obtención de la doble titulación en todos los programas de Ingeniería. En ella se exige que el estudiante curse en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia el 80% de los créditos del plan de estudios definidos por el Comité Asesor del Programa, y que el restante 20% de los créditos sean convalidados con los créditos cursados por dos años en la Universidad de Acogida. Es decir, no serán homologados uno a uno, sino que serán convalidados con el mismo nombre que tengan en la universidad de acogida. En la parte inferior se encuentran los documentos donde se especifican las asignaturas obligatorias para realizar la movilidad en modalidad de doble titulación.
Prácticas Académicas
Programa Internacional de Becarios (PIBI) INSIDEO - Perú
El Programa Internacional de Becarios Insideo (PIBI) busca incorporar por un periodo mínimo de un año profesionales de distintas nacionalidades que cumplan con el perfil requerido. INSIDEO busca ser reconocido como la empresa líder en consultoría socioambiental en el Perú y posteriormente en Latinoamérica, por ello, la incorporación de profesionales implica un cuidadoso proceso de reclutamiento, evaluación y selección, el cual se enfoca exclusivamente en profesionales de rendimiento sobresaliente.
Programa de Práctica Profesional Precision 2000 - EEUU
El Programa de Práctica Profesional de Precision busca vincular estudiantes-practicantes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con el propósito fundamental de aproximarlo al ejercicio profesional en una actividad que representa un valor agregado para su preparación académica. Este programa esta dirigido por la ORI - Ingeniería, quien se encarga de la divulgación y organización de la convocatoria.
Becas - Apoyos
Apoyo a Profesores Invitados
Apoyo financiero dirigido a financiar la participación de expertos internacionales en eventos organizados por las instituciones de educación superior, centros de investigación e instituciones tecnológicas, que deseen fortalecer sus programas académicos y de investigación, inscritos en el marco del programa de reciprocidad para extranjeros en Colombia.
La participación del Experto Internacional debe estar dirigida a un programa de actualización, curso, diplomado, programa de Especialización con alto nivel de investigación, Maestría o Doctorado en cualquier área del conocimiento.
Mayor información en:
Technologies for Sustainable Development Erasmus Mundus Programme es un programa entre Europa (ITALIA - REPUBLICA CHECA - FRANCIA - PORTUGAL - ESPAÑA) y Universidades Socias en Latinoamérica.
Mayor información en:
Beca Rodolfo Llinás
Para la promoción de la formación avanzada y el espíritu científico en BOGOTÁ. Universidades que estén dentro de las primeras 50 universidades del QS Latin American University Ranking 2014, o doctorados internacionales en universidades del exterior que estén dentro de las primeras 500 universidades del QS World University Ranking 2014.
Mayor información:
Apoyo Pasajes - OIM
El programa de descuentos de la ORGANIZACIÓN INTERNACIONAL PARA LAS MIGRACIONES (OIM) está dirigido a personas que tengan planes de adelantar estudios en el exterior por un periodo igual o superior a 4 meses. El descuento que se otorga es del 50%, aplicable únicamente a laTARIFA EN DÓLARES NORMAL DE UN AÑO, en trayectos ‘ida y regreso’ o ‘sólo ida’. EL DESCUENTO NO APLICA SOBRE LOS IMPUESTOS DEL TIQUETE, SOBRE TARIFAS PROMOCIÓNALES O TARIFAS INFERIORES A UN AÑO.
Mayor información AQUÍ
Beca Posgrado: Extranjeros en Colombia - ICETEX
Profesionales extranjeros no mayores a 40 años de edad, que tengan título de pregrado (carrera universitaria o licenciatura) en diferentes disciplinas y que cuenten con un promedio académico de 4.0, así como experiencia profesional mínima de un año en su campo de estudio. El candidato debe dominar el idioma español (lectura, escritura y conversación). EL CANDIDATO TIENE ADMISIÓN AUTOMÁTICA AL PROGRAMA ELEGIDO.
Mayor información:
Beca Colombo Ecuatoriana - ICETEX
Las becas de reciprocidad entre Ecuador y Colombia se ofrecen a ciudadanos ecuatorianos para la realización de estudios de Posgrados en las universidades colombianas públicas y privadas relacionadas en la lista de universidades publicada en esta convocatoria con el título Catalogo Becas Colombo-Ecuatorianas, fortaleciendo la cooperación académica y la transferencia de conocimientos entre las dos naciones. Los candidatos ecuatorianos participarán en un proceso de selección, en el cual, el Comité, otorgará 50 cupos para la realización de estudios de maestría en las diferentes universidades colombianas de la lista, en donde los nacionales ecuatorianos participantes en este proceso hayan obtenido su admisión definitiva al programa, y conforme al cumplimiento de todos los requisitos. EL CANDIDATO DEBE SEGUIR EL PROCESO DE ADMISIÓN REGULAR AL PROGRAMA.
Mayor información:
Admissions to Postgraduate Programs of Civil and Agricultural Engineering
Admissions for postgraduate programs of the area can be consulted in the webpage of each program. For further information about the admission process, you can visit the website of Postgraduate Admissions.
Admissions to Undergraduate Programs of Civil and Agricultural Engineering
For admissions to undergraduate programs of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, please visit the website of Undergraduate Admissions.
- Academic Exchange - Requirements
- Foreign Languages - Equivalences
- Student Procedures for reserve
- Transfers
- Cancellation of courses
- Circular Cancellation of Sucoursesbjects
- Cancellation of the Academic Period
- Additional Reserve - Consecutive to the Automatic ones
- Homologations (Other Universities), Equivalences (Universidad NAcional) and Validations (exchanges)
- Extemporaneous Course Registration
- Appeal for Reinstatement
- Academic load less than minimum
- Extemporaneous Course Registration
- Expedition of Tuition Receipts
- Re-entries
- Tuition refund
Degree work register
Registration will be made until the last day of the previous semester. Once academic histories are closed, the Curriculum Coordinator will verify the fulfillment of the requirements, and activate the history of graduates, based on the proposal presented by the student, which must be endorsed by a professor of the University. The courses offered are those of MASTER programs and not of SPECIALIZATION, by disposition of the Graduate Advisory Committee.
Degree work in internship or research mode
The format of the degree work proposal must be presented, with the endorsement of a professor from the University. If the requirements of the special course Degree Work are met, the registration will be activated. Registration which must be carried out by the student in the group corresponding to the Director in the course Degree Work.
Degree work in postgraduate subjects
In both circumstances, the Postgraduate Advisory Committee of the Curricular Area will publish the list of places offered in the postgraduate curses of the Curricular Area. However, the offer is circumscribed to all the programs of the University.
Only unregulated courses
Pre-registration is made until the last day of classes of the previous semester, to allow the verification of requirements, the creation of the history of graduates and the activation of MAPI history. If the requirements are met, they must register the desired courses (at least 6 academic credits in the same academic semester) in the respective citations to addition and free cancellation of courses. The registration of postgraduate courses must be done in MAPI history. Simultaneously, in the history of the plan the registration of the subject: Degree Work - Postgraduate Subjects must be made.The grade will be calculated directly by the system, once the grading system is closed. In case of taking more credits than those required (6), the student must request the Faculty Council, that the rest be recognized as excedent and therefore added to the Component of Free Choice. In this case, it must be taken into account that the places have a preference for regular students and automatic admission to the master's degree.
Automatic admission to the master
Regular registration must be made to the chosen master's degree, according to the campus calendar, which is prior to the admission exams to the University, so that the Postgraduate Unit of the Faculty activates and allows presenting the early admission processes to the respective master's program. Once the admission process is completed, the results of admission as well as those of completing the Degree Work are known, the courses can be registered as in the case of unregulated subjects.
Tutorías Académicas en Asignaturas del Componente de Fundamentación
Master’s degree in deepening mode
- Final Work Proposal Template
- Evaluator Report
- Qualification Certificate
Master's degree in research mode
- Master's Thesis Project Template
- Aval for thesis defense
- Qualification Certificate
- Doctoral Thesis Project Template
- Qualification Document of the Doctoral Thesis Project
- Qualification Document for Doctoral Qualification Examination
- Aval for thesis defense
- Qualification Certificate
Outgoing Mobility
Mobility Incoming
How to apply for Incoming Academic Mobility?
Research: Academic activity where studies, analyzes, exhibitions or experimentations are carried out complementary to their research practices under the supervision of a leading researcher at the destination institution, for up to two academic periods.
n the cases of internship, rotation and research, the student must apply three months before starting the scheduled activity.
Procedure for Application
- Choose the University Campus where you want to exchange.
- Locate the program where you want to exchange.
- Check on the website if the university of origin has an agreement with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
- If there is no current agreement, the student must pay the corresponding value for each course
- To apply, you must be registered as a regular student in a university and meet the sufficiency of the Spanish language.
- Before submitting the online application, scan the following documents in a single PDF file and in the order indicated:
- Letter of presentation of the university of origin (with letterhead and / or stamp).
- If you wish to take courses, a letter of request explaining the reasons for doing the exchange at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
- If you want to do an internship or research, letter from the tutor (professor) at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia that supports mobility (the student interested in doing an internship or research must have a tutor - Resolution 1142 of 2008 of Rectoría).
- Student Profile Format: Download Student Profile Format
- Certificate of grades issued by your university.
- For foreign students, a copy of the passport page in which the photo appears, identification and effective date. For national students, copy of the citizenship card.
- Students from non-Spanish-speaking countries must present a certificate of proficiency in the Spanish language issued by the university or another institution.
- Letter of economic support. If the candidate receives a scholarship, she/he must attach a certificate stating that she/he is a beneficiary or fellow.
- Complete the online registration form:
- Print the format that generates the application online, attach the PDF with the aforementioned documents and ask the Office of International Relations of your university to send your application to addressed to the recipient:
- Professor
- Catalina Arévalo Ferro
- Director
- Office of International and Interinstitutional Relations - ORI
- National University of Colombia
- f the application is accepted, the student accepts to comply with the immigration procedures (student visa and foreigner identification card) and to acquire medical insurance that covers illnesses and accidents at the campus where the mobility will take place and through the duration of it.
* The extension request applies only to students who are currently making their mobility and wish to extend the time of it.
Work team
Curricular Area Director

Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam
Associate Professor of Exclusive Dedication
Undergraduate Coordinators

Ricardo Parra Arango
Assistant Professor of full time

Oscar Leonardo García Navarrete
Assistant Professor of exclusive dedication
Postgraduate Coordinators
- Prof. Julio Esteban Colmenares Montañez, PhD in Civil Engineering
- Prof. Edgar Leonardo Villarreal González, Hydraulic Resources
- Prof. Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam, Structures
- Prof. Liliana Lucía Lyons Barrera, Transport
- Prof. Gloria Inés Beltrán Calvo, Geotechnics
- Prof. Alfonso Parra Coronado, Agricultural Engineering
Support Staff

Angie Viviana Peña Ramirez
Ubicación y Contacto
The office of the Curricular Area of Civil and Agricultural Engineering is located in:
- Av. NQS (Carrera 30) No. 45 - 03
- Building CADE of Engineering - 408 B, first floor
- Ciudad Universitaria
- CP 111321
- Tel/Fax: +57 1 316 5000, Ext. 13663
Student matters are treated in the CADE Building, First floor.
- Attention to Applications and Registration with Mercy Lozada Polanía
- Case and request attention with Adriana Zulay Patiño Bello, IA
Normative Aspects
Curricular Area
Art. 13 of Agreement 014 of 2007 of the CSU, defines that:
- The Directors of the Curricular Area will be university tenured professors of free designation by the Dean.
- The Director of the Curriculum Area must be a tenured professor of the Faculty, at least in the Associate category, or holding the highest academic degree of the Curricular Area where he / she was appointed.
The Directors of Curricular Area have the following functions, according to Art. 42 of Agreement 011 of 2005 of the CSU:
- They will be the academic directors of the undergraduate and graduate programs assigned to them.
- They will support the Dean and the Vice-Dean in the design, programming, coordination and evaluation of the curricular programs of the Faculty.
- They must ensure the quality of the programs, for the improvement of the teaching and academic work of the students, the pedagogical innovation and, in general, for the execution of the policies on teaching formulated by the Academic Division of the University.
Each curricular program has a coordinator, who has the following functions:
- Preside in the Advisory Committee in absence of the Area Director.
- Coordinate the functioning of the Advisory Committee.
- Support the Area Director in the academic-administrative management of the program related to:
- Continuous evaluation of the curricular program.
- Update of indicators for accreditation processes.
- Creation, suppression or modification of subjects.
- Request the offer of courses to the Basic Academic Units of the University.
- Coordinate the assignment of academic tutors (advisor teachers).
- Issue the academic certificates of good standing for graduation purposes.
- The others assigned by the Faculty Council.
- Additionally, in absence of the Area Director, the postgraduate curricular program coordinator delegated will preside the respective Advisory Committee.
Art. 43 of Agreement 011 of 2005 defines the Advisory Committees as:
- A consultative and advisory body for the proper functioning of each of the curricular programs that must issue a concept for the Faculty Council in relation to each and every one of the student requests.
- Professors of the program in the Advisory Committee are designated by an agreement between the Director of the Curricular Area and the Directors of the Basic Academic Unit who offer courses to the program.
- The delegate of the alumni of the program is designated among those who apply by public invitation of the Director of the Curricular Area.
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Engineering Advisory Committee
Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam
Curricular Area Director
Oscar Leonardo García Navarrete
Agricultural Engineering Undergraduate Coordinator
Oscar Leonardo García Navarrete
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Advisory Committee
Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam
Curricular Area Director
Ricardo León Parra Arango
Civil Engineering Undergraduate Coordinator
Programas de Posgrado
Comité Asesor Ingeniería Civil
Caori Patricia Takeuchi Tam
Directora de Área Curricular
Ricardo León Parra Arango
Coordinador Pregrado Ingeniería Civil
PEP Ingeniería Civi