The Practices and Internship Office is coordinated by the Academic Office of the Faculty. It provides support to internal and external users in person, via telephone or virtual in the following aspects:
- Assist the students with information related to the requirements of their curriculum for the development of their practice or internship
- Guide the procedure corresponding to the necessary documentation to formalize the registrationof the practice or internship.
- Provide guidance and support to companies or entities, to formalize the agreement of institutional support for engaging students in practices or internships.
- Support the information in the routes for the publication of calls, through the platform of the System of Practices and Internships - SPOPA.
- Verify the academic compliance of the students postulated in the calls, regarding the percentage or credits required in the corresponding curriculum.
For companies (public or private) interested in hiring our students in the modality of Practice or Internship, the University has enable the SPOPA Web tool (System of Practices and Internships) to facilitate their search process for student talent
Through this tool, the Company can publish all its offers to the university community and the students interested in the process will post their resume for study, evaluation and selection by the Company.
If the Company decides to hire our students, it must sign an Interinstitutional Support Agreement with the Faculty of Engineering to establish the bases of cooperation for internships or student practices
Below each modality is defined so that the company could determine its required student profile:
This modality allows students to know for the first time the job context focused on their academic area. The aim is to know the techniques, processes and methods of the company, as well as have the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired in their educational process.
The student will apply methods of research, evaluation and analysis to specific situations in the Company. The objective is to present a diagnosis of the study carried out and, at the same time, prove suggestions for improvement or solution of those situations.
Through the development of Internships or Practices, the Faculty of Engineering aims to strengthen the process of initiation in the labor context in its students, through a dynamic participation in their first experience in this field
Besides their professional projection, the student will have the opportunity to apply in the Company their knowledge, abilities and skills acquired through their educational process aiming to enrich their ethical and professional profile for their future performance.