The opening of the PhD program in Engineering - Materials Science and Technology at the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Colombia was approved by the Academic Council of the university in July 2007 and began its work in the first semester of 2008.
Researchers and research groups belonging to the Faculties of Engineering and Sciences where the curricular areas of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Civil and Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics and Chemistry collaborate, participate in this program, It is also supported by the Faculty of Dentistry and the Institute of Extension and Research
The science and engineering of materials has been recognized in several documents and development plans of international and national entities, as an area of knowledge vital for the development of countries, covering such important topics as nanotechnology, surface treatments, laser and plasma processing, sensory, biomaterials, intelligent materials, new materials, welding, superconductors, semiconductors, rapid prototyping, superalloys, etc. For this reason, it is important for researchers with doctoral degrees in this area to be trained in the country in order to contribute to the survival of the national industry and to encourage the creation of new technology-based companies, vital to the current globalized economy.
- Education level PhD
- Type of curriculum Research
- Curricular program: PhD in Materials Science, Engineering and Technology
- Title granted: PhD. in Engineering – Materials Science and Technology
- SNIES code: 53272
- Creation year: 2005
- Opening year: 2007
- Campus: Bogotá
- Faculty: Ingeniería
- Estimated duration: 8 semesters
- Total credits: 135
Academic fee
Administrative fee
Welfare fee
Insurance fee
26,000 COP
- Point equivalence: Currently daily minimum wage for 2020 - ( Circular 1 of 2020 - General Secretariat) = $29,260 COP
- Approximate tuition for the semester: $7,048,400 COP
Candidate Profile
Graduate Profile
- To conduct research and development to increase the volume of knowledge and create new applications to expand the country’s technological capacity.
- To educate university professors to develop and improve teaching and research work in engineering in the region and the country.
- To strengthen university-industry interaction for the development of studies and research and for the exchange of experiences in the field of engineering and in particular materials and their processing.
- To educate researchers.
- To strengthen the lines of research in the area of Materials Science and Engineering that serve as the basis for the doctoral program and the master program that is currently being developed.
- To form human resources of a high academic level to contribute to the creation of new knowledge in the areas of Science and Engineering of Materials.
- To build human resources with the capacity and leadership to establish and lead research groups.
Academic Activities and Courses
Thesis Project
Research Seminar
Qualifying Exam
Total Academic Activities
Eligible Courses
Total Research Courses
Obteniendo datos del Sistema de Información Acádemica SIA
Courses are offered every semester. **For the full list of courses offered, please refer to
The timetable for postgraduate courses is usually in the 7:00 to 9:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 bands.
Research Lines
- Surface Engineering
- Manufacturing and Metallurgy Processes
- Polymer Materials
- Structural Mechanics
- Ceramic and composite materials
- Nanomaterials
- Materials for Construction and Sustainable Development
PhD. in Materials Science, Engineering and Technology
Call for proposals 2021-01
- If you have completed undergraduate studies at the National University of Colombia, you still have credits and are interested in obtaining the benefit to pursue postgraduate studies at the university, access this link for more information
If you are a foreign student, click on the link for more information Aspirantes Extranjeros. We clarified that the certificates of admission / acceptance letters (if required) are issued only to applicants selected by the National University in the admissions process established.
- Pay registration fees.The cost of admission fees for the year 2020 is COP$293,000, which you can pay at any branch of the Banco Popular or virtual payment at:
Applicants outside Colombia must make an electronic payment of US$195. Once the transaction is completed you will find the link "Continue Registration", if this is your wish follow the link and you can formalize your registration. Please note that at the time of registration you are requested the "Transaction Number" and the "Confirmation Number", remember that you must have noted them or have the copy of the voucher that is sent to the email registered at the time of payment. Having these numbers, enter them in the step in which they are requested and continue with the process of formalizing their registration. - Formalize registration online. Internet. It must be done through the website!input.action, in which you must log in to the corresponding process and then select Graduate Enrollment. No more than three days after payment you must register, so that the link to complete the application of resume support (Send payment support to and
- Complete the application for resumes as agreed with the PhD coordinator.
- Attend the interview. The date of presentation of the interview will be arranged with the coordination of the doctorate.
- Consult the publication of final results. To view the results, please go to page, Postgraduate Section, under the Results option, according to the schedule set out in the corresponding call.
Documents marked with (*) are optional. However, these supports give points within the rating of the resume, it is recommended to attach them in case of having them.
- Identification document..
- Professional card*
- Support for university studies:
- Degree Certificate
- Diploma.
- Transcript of grades.
- Document legalized by apostille or diplomatic delegation (in the case of certificates obtained abroad)
- Certificate of completion of studies issued by the institution where he/she studied (for students who do not yet have an undergraduate degree)
- Academic History Report (for undergraduate students of the National University of Colombia with choice of graduate degree)
- Academic Honors*:
- Name of the distinction, institution that grants, date on which it was granted (please attach the supporting documentation).
- Professional Experience*:
- Name of the institution or company, type of relationship, start and end date (or in progress), position, main function and attach support of it.
- Experience as a Professor*:
- Name of the institution, dedication of the company, start and end date (or in progress), areas of work, information of subjects taught and intention of hours per week and attach support.
- Research Experience*:
- Name of the research project, institution, project area, funding entity, main functions, start date of linkage and completion (or ongoing), country and attach support.
- Intellectual Production*:
- Type of production (article in indexed journal, book, book chapter, patent, software, pilot plant, industrial design, other production), production data and attach support.
- Certifications of Language Proficiency*:
- English is not required as a requirement in the admission process, however, attach support if you have it.
- Academic or professional references*:
- The website will ask you for the basic contact details of two people who will register 2 academic or professional references according to the profile to which you aspire (academic references apply to the research profile, whereas academic or professional references apply to the deepening profile). The information provided by the persons you indicate is confidential and will be known only to the program directives during the admission evaluation process.
- Document 1 - Aspiring Letter of Motivation. The candidate: (1) explains his or her professional and personal reasons for taking the doctorate, (2) reports on his or her academic achievements and merits, (3) comments on his or her research experience in the area of knowledge associated with the doctorate he or she aspires to, (4) clarifies what their potential sources of funding will be and (5) reports on their availability of time for study.
- Document 2- Proposal of the topic or idea to be developed during the postgraduate course endorsed by a professor of the National University who will be his tutor. (maximum 5 pages).
- Document 3 - Tutor Teacher Commitment Letter The teacher certifies: (1) that he assumes the commitment to be tutor and eventually thesis director of the applicant, (2) that he has the necessary time to guide a new student, (3) that the minimum resources necessary for the candidate to propose and develop his doctoral thesis are available. The tutor’s engagement letter must be sent directly from the teacher’s institutional email.
NOTE: Those people who enter by early admission or automatic admission (National University of Colombia) must apply for the sending of documents in order to register their resume in the program.
- Advance the document loading process prior to the closing date.
- Verify that you have all required documents, each in PDF format (only) and that it does not exceed the size of 10MB.
- Allow sufficient time to load the documents. Loading of documents can be done in parts, closing each time you finish loading each part of the requested documentation.
- The documents related to a (*) are optional, the others are mandatory. However, these supports give points within the qualification of the resume, it is recommended to attach them in case of having them.
- To make changes to documents you have previously loaded, you must load the new document and save the changes. The new document will replace the previously loaded one.
- The application using a set of choices indicates the number of records loaded in each section and points in red to the section in which there are no loaded supports.
- Previously contact the people you will relate to as references, and make sure that you enter the recommendations within the set deadline.
- After loading the entire documentation, it will be enough to log out to save it. This information will be stored and sent automatically to the evaluators after application closure.
Minimum approval score
Curriculum Vitae
3.0 over 5.0
CV Assessment criteria
- Affinity of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees with the profile of the doctoral programme.
- Professional experience.
- Research experience.
- Previous academic performance.
- Academic references.
- Academic distinctions.
- Intellectual production.
- Experience as a Professor.
Exams Assessment Criteria
Interview Assessment Criteria
- Commitment to the program, reasons to advance postgraduate studies.
- Availability of time to attend the program.
- Economic sufficiency.
- Ability to work in research groups.
- Communication skills.
- Experience in the line of research or deepening in which he intends to work.
Proficiency of foreign language
- Be a graduate of an undergraduate program at the National University of Colombia.
- If you are a graduate of a postgraduate program from the National University of Colombia and obtained a grade equal to or higher than 3.5 in the English exam presented in the admission process.
- Achieve the level of sufficiency required by the University through the test applied by the National Admissions Directorate.
- Present a foreign language certificate with a validity of less than two years. See Homologate proof of knowledge in English. To present the certificate you must deliver the original and current certificate, within the schedule established by the respective call during the registration period, to the National Admissions Directorate (Calle 44 No. 45-67, Bloque B3, Unidad Camilo Torres, Bogotá D.C., from Monday to Friday in continuous working day from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm); or send to the email a digital image of the original and current certificate, that is, with a date of submission not later than two years of the test being applied for. The duration of the certificate is counted with respect to the start date of the registration process.
Minimum admission score
Curricular area: Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Director: Aldo Germán Benavides Morán
Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 13646
Program Coordinator: Liz Karen Herrera Quintero
Email: -
Telephone: (+57) (1) 3165000 Ext. 14107
Address: Av. NQS (Carrera 30), 45-03, Campus Ciudad Universitaria, Building 407, Office 103A
About creation :

About opening:

About curriculum:

About research lines:

About tuition:

About admission process: