Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia



Art. 13 of Agreement 014 of 2007 of the CSU defines that:

  • The Directors of the Curricular Area will be university tenured professors of free designation by the Dean.
  • The Director of the Curriculum Area must be a tenured professor of the Faculty, at least in the Associate category, or holding the highest academic degree of the Curricular Area where he / she was appointed.

The Directors of Curricular Area have the following functions, according to Art. 42 of Agreement 011 of 2005 of the CSU:

  • They will be the academic directors of the undergraduate and postgraduate programs assigned to them.
  • They will support the Dean and the Vice-Dean in the design, programming, coordination and evaluation of the curricular programs of the Faculty.
  • They must ensure the quality of the programs, for the improvement of the teaching and academic work of the students, the pedagogical innovation and, in general, for the execution of the policies on teaching formulated by the Academic Division of the University.

Each curricular program has a coordinator, who has the following functions:

  • Preside in the Advisory Committee in absence of the Area Director.
  • Coordinate the functioning of the Advisory Committee.
  • Support the Area Director in the academic-administrative management of the program related to:
  • Continuous evaluation of the curricular program.
  • Update of indicators for accreditation processes.
  • Creation, suppression or modification of subjects.
  • Request the offer of courses to the Basic Academic Units of the University.
  • Coordinate the assignment of academic tutors (advisor teachers).
  • Issue the academic certificates of good standing for graduation purposes.
  • The others assigned by the Faculty Council.

Additionally, in absence of the Area Director, the postgraduate curricular program coordinator delegated will preside the respective Advisory Committee.

Advisory Commitees

Art. 43 of Agreement 011 of 2005 defines the Advisory Committees as:

  • A consultative and advisory body for the proper functioning of each of the curricular programs that must issue a concept for the Faculty Council in relation to each and every one of the student requests.
  • Professors of the program in the Advisory Committee are designated by an agreement between the Director of the Curricular Area and the Directors of the Basic Academic Unit who offer courses to the program.
  • The delegate of the graduate of the program is designated among those who apply by public invitation of the Director of the Curricular Area.