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UNSeculab is a Universidad Nacional de Colombia's Research Group where students and academic community lead strategic projects to contribute in topics associated with IT Security.
The group focuses on the study and generation of new knowledge in the area of cybersecurity. It promotes high-level undergraduate, master's and doctoral training in topics such as cryptography, cybersecurity, cybersecurity analytics, secure software engineering, network and information security and Blockchain. With the research and innovation that is developed in the group, it is expected to contribute to having a safer digital society.
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Featured news
Check out the latest news in cybersecurity, some of them related to research of our group.
Algorithms show high effectiveness to protect private data from cyberattacks
Juan Camilo López thesis from Master's Degree in Systems and Computing of UnSecurelab, found three algorithms that have an efficiency of 84% to identify messages that could mean a scam or data theft.

November 23, 2020 | UNAL news agency
Φ Related with UnSecurelab | MSc thesis
GO TO THESIS REPOSITORY..AI learns a video game faster with gradual levels of difficulty
Carried out by Rigoberto Sáenz, master's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering, under the direction of Professor Jorge Camargo, it is proposed how an intelligent agent potentially can learn to play a video game faster if learning resumes are used during training. These resumes are a set of parameters that determine how the difficulty of the game varies over time.

July 24, 2019 | El Tiempo
Φ Related with UnSecurelab | MSc thesis
What are the chances of a major cyber war?
Professor Jorge Camargo, head of the UNSecurelab project, assured that we are already experiencing a cyberwar. Experts explain what the scenarios would be and how humanity would be affected
Research topics
Research topics related to the studies carried out from group team

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.
Cybersecurity Analytics
Cybersecurity Analytics involves aggregating data for the purpose of collecting evidence, building timelines, and analyzing capabilities to perform and design a proactive cybersecurity strategy that detects, analyzes, and mitigates cyberthreats.

Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. In addition, cryptography also covers the obfuscation of information in images using techniques such as microdots or merging.
Secure Software Engineering
The software developed or engineered in such a way that its operations and functionalities continue as normal even when subjected to malicious attacks. The systems and resources in its environment remain safe and the attacks detected and removed.

A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. Blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. They have a crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions.
Information Security
Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

Jorge Eliécer Camargo, PhD. Director.
Systems and Computing Engineering. National University of Colombia